'; exit; } //if(!$sess_login_id) { // echo ''; // exit; //} //require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/new_2009/education2/inc/server_info_education.php"; //////////////////////Education ���� ī��Ʈ/////////////// //setcookie("eng_education_connect","connect",time()-86400); //$cc_name=$_COOKIE["eng_education_connect"]; if(!$cc_name) { $c_nowY=date("Y"); $c_nowM=date("n"); $c_nowD=date("j"); $mon_field=$c_nowM."month"; $day_field=$c_nowD."day"; $out_yquery="select count(vyear) from visit_year_count where vyear='$c_nowY' and gubun='E' "; //echo $out_yquery; $out_yresult=mysql_query($out_yquery); $row_year=mysql_result($out_yresult,0,0); if($row_year) { $out_mquery="select count($mon_field) from visit_year_count where vyear='$c_nowY' and gubun='E' "; //echo $out_mquery; $out_mresult=mysql_query($out_mquery); $row_month=mysql_result($out_mresult,0,0); if($row_month) { $in_query1="update visit_year_count set $mon_field=$mon_field+1, total_cnt=total_cnt+1 where vyear='$c_nowY' and gubun='E' "; $out_dquery="select count($day_field) from visit_day_count where vyear='$c_nowY' and vmonth='$c_nowM' and gubun='E' "; $out_dresult=mysql_query($out_dquery); $row_day=mysql_result($out_dresult,0,0); if($row_day) { $in_query2="update visit_day_count set $day_field=$day_field+1, total_cnt=total_cnt+1 where vyear='$c_nowY' and vmonth='$c_nowM' and gubun='E' "; } else { $in_query2="insert into visit_day_count set $day_field=1, vyear='$c_nowY', vmonth='$c_nowM', total_cnt=total_cnt+1, gubun='E' "; } } else { $in_query1="insert into visit_year_count set $mon_field=1, total_cnt=total_cnt+1 where vyear='$c_nowY' and gubun='E' "; } } else { $in_query1="insert into visit_year_count set vyear='$c_nowY', $mon_field=1, total_cnt=1, gubun='E', create_time=now() "; $in_query2="insert into visit_day_count set $day_field=1, vyear='$c_nowY', vmonth='$c_nowM', total_cnt=1, gubun='E', create_time=now() "; } mysql_query($in_query1); mysql_query($in_query2); setcookie("eng_education_connect","connect",time()+86400); } require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/config/extra_conn_elearning.php"; //ksh 2009-11-23 E-learning���� //Base => mysql_query($squery,$db_info['session']); //target => mysql_query($squery,$db2_info['session']); $subid = ($subid)?$subid : "1"; switch($subid){ case 0 : $sub_name = ""; break; case 1 : $sub_name = "������/�оߺ� ����"; break; case 2 : $sub_name = "������/�α� ����"; break; case 3 : $sub_name = "������/�ű� ����"; break; case 4 : $sub_name = "����/�оߺ� ����"; break; case 5 : $sub_name = "����/�α� ����"; break; case 6 : $sub_name = "����/�ű� ����"; break; case 7 : $sub_name = "������/View"; break; case 8 : $sub_name = "����/View"; break; case 9 : $sub_name = "������/Total View"; break; case 10 : $sub_name = "����/Total View"; break; case 11 : $sub_name = "What's News"; break; } ?>